Frequently Asked Questions

General questions

PriCall is a mobile App that adds a second (landline) phone number to Android or iOS smartphones.

PriCall uses any available internet connection. So you can call, receive calls or text when your smartphone is connected to a Wi-Fi or your GSM/CDMA provider’s network.

Yes, the application is free. But the PriCall user must pay the phone number rent in accordance with the selected plan.

Currently we offer 4 plans:
1 month = $ 2,5
3 months = $ 6
6 months = $ 9
12 months = $ 12

There are several options:
– All calls and text messages between PriCall users (PriCall-to-PriCall) are FREE!
– Calls to landlines within the Czech Republic are FREE!
– Any calls to the Czech mobile numbers and all around the world must be paid in accordance with the PriCall price list. You can find all our international call prices on page “PriCall Out“.

How to start Calling & Chatting?

Step 1 Choose your platform and download PriCall. You can download the application from “Download Now” page.
Step 2 Choose one of the Plans and Sign up. As a result you will get a Czech phone number for the period according to the chosen Plan.
Step 3 Invite your friends to join the PriCall society and start communicating with them for free. Or you can start making calls using the Czech landline phone number.

When you first sign up for PriCall you will get a Czech phone number automatically.

Unfortunately at the moment it is not possible to choose a phone number. When you first sign up for PriCall a phone number is assigned automatically in a random order.

Yes! The PriCall Pro application is available from the app stores almost all around the world. But in spite of the country from which you download PriCall, please pay attention to the fact that you will receive a Czech phone number.

As far as you download and register your PriCall account, invite your friends, colleagues, relatives to join the PriCall society. Before to start chatting you should make a short PriCall call.

IMPORTANT! You will not be able to chat untill you make the first call to your interlocutor.

Making international calls

To start making local and international calls you have to top-up your account balance first.

Currently there are following ways to top-up the balance: – Direct payment to the PriCall bank account; – Using bank cards like Visa or Master…
Currently the available payment methods are: – Bank Cards payment; – Visa/Master card and Visa Electron via PayPal; – PayPal account.
That depends on the payment option you use: Bank Cards – 0.0 %; PayPal – more info on
That depends on the payment option you use: – Payments by PayPal will processed almost immediately. – Payments by Bank Cards will processed almost immediately.
Currently we do not send invoices by regular mail, but you will get invoices via e-mail or you can download it in the My Account section.

Encryption – ZRTP

ZRTP is a cryptographic key-agreement protocol to negotiate the keys for encryption between two end points in a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone telephony call based on the Real-time Transport Protocol. It was developed by Silent Circle’s own, Phil Zimmermann. ZRTP is an abbreviation of “Zimmermann Real-time Transport Protocol”.
PriCall uses the Internet to transmit voice and text messages. Unfortunately the Internet is not a secure medium to transfer the phone calls. Your mobile phone or computer can unknowingly host spyware which can intercept your phone calls and send them to criminals, providing them with your secret information. ZRTP protocol solves this kinds of problems. It protects the voice transmition and does not let the criminals to intercept the phone conversation.

Problem solving

If you are facing any kind of problem having installed or updated the application, please go to “Settings” on your device and tap the “Application manager”.
Now find the PriCall2 icon and tap it.
So, we are almost done! Find and tap the “Clear cache” button. To complete the problem solution please tap the “Clear data” button.